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Smallsats platforms are usually project developments with educational and professional goals to design, create, assemble and operate them. Other projects like NanoSatC-BR2 and ITASAT are still under development ( Ereno and Ramos 2014 ERENO D and RAMOS L. AMSAT-BR Tubesat Tancredo-1 é ejetado e inicia transmissões. ) and the tubesat Tancredo-1 ( LABRE 2017 LABRE - LIGA DE AMADORES BRASILEIROS DE RADIO EMISSÃO. Nanosatélite Serpens está em órbita e tem sinais captados no Brasil. ), Serpens ( AEB 2015 AEB - AGÊNCIA ESPACIAL BRASILEIRA. Cubesat brasileiro lançado com sucesso da estação espacial internacional. ), the AESP-14 ( ITA 2015 ITA - INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE AERONÁUTICA. NanosatC-BR1 é lançado com sucesso e estação já recebe sinais do primeiro cubesat nacional. Besides that, Brazil had a significant increase in the development of such satellites like the cubesats NanoSatC-BR1 ( INPE 2014 INPE - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS. The use of SDR in the university environment has grown in Latin America significantly in the last 15 years. Since SDRs are also a cost effective means to obtain satellite telemetry and image reception, they are being extensively employed in the development of pico and nanosatellites projects, also often just called “small satellites”, or “smallsats” for short. IEEE Communications Magazine 54(1): 68-75.).
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Revolutionizing software defined radio: case studies in hardware, software, and education. 2016 WYGLINSKI AM, OROFINO DP, ETTUS MN and RONDEAU TW.
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The software flexibility provided by SDRs comes from its ability to change its operation allowing the update of new and better features and better performance rate without any need to change constantly the hardware ( Wyglinski et al. SDRs use Digital Signal Processing (DSP) processors for very high-speed digital operations performing typical analog radio functions.

Software Defined Radios (SDRs) have been incorporated into ham radio equipment on the market to provide better performance, noise reduction and digital filtering. Ground stations satellites Software Defined Radio space systems Using the proposed SDR approach, it can adapt to projects mainly those with a limited budget and outreach for major inclusion on space topics in Brazil. Finally, a second study case was performed in order to receive NOAA class satellites imagery over VHF band and decoded by specific software freely available.
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A series of support software packages are then introduced so that one can pipeline various operations and automate tasks in the ground station. Reception from the 1 st Brazilian picosatellite, Tancredo-1, with specific software developed, UbaTM is presented for obtaining satellite raw telemetries, convert them to engineering value and friendly present on user screen. Two case studies are presented for supporting affordable ground segment and promoting satellites projects in Brazil. This work briefly presents the SDR concept and approach for obtaining satellite telemetries and imagery in the context of different modulation schemes, link budget requirements and different satellites types.

Software Defined Radio (SDR) uses a processor, a special receiver and software that play the main parts of the receiver (mixer, filters, amplifiers, modulators, demodulators, etc.) and it is quite advantageous for its flexibility and compact size as it reduces the amount of hardware components while adapting for different needs.