Tools and methods needed for the workings presented here keep the working paradigm consistent with the two previous books. Guardian By Guardian, Tunnel By Tunnel, Sphere By Sphere, You Will Experience The Occult’s First Truly Complete Self-Initiation Through Qliphothic Magic Over 305 Pages In my book I refer to the information provided by these authors as well, but the greater part of this work is based on my own explorations, both through the work of the Temple of Ascending Flame and through over 20 years of personal experience with the Tree of Qliphoth. Among these authors we can mention Kenneth Grant, who described the tunnels in his Nightside of Eden, and Linda Falorio, who designed the tarot deck based on her explorations of the particular pathways. On the basis of their sigils and descriptions, other authors and magicians have developed a map of dark pathways connecting Qliphothic realms with one another and intersecting like the threads in the Web of Fates. The first mentions of the tunnels appear in Aleister Crowley’s Liber CCXXXI. Tunnels of Set is the name attributed to 22 paths connecting the realms on the Tree of Qliphoth, corresponding to pathways on the Tree of Life that connect the particular Sephiroth. In the case of the Qliphoth, it is hard to say that anything can be risk-free in this process, but the system presented in all three volumes provides a fairly safe environment for a practitioner to explore the Dark Tree without getting lost in these realms. This is how I work with this system myself, and this is what I recommend to those who feel drawn to this subject and are not sure where to begin. If you want to work with the Qliphoth successfully, start with the first volume, successively expanding this work by invocations and evocations of the demon kings and queens of Sitra Ahra, and finally by exploration of the Tunnels of Set. If you’ve worked with my Qliphothic Meditations and Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations, you will find this volume to be a powerful extension and completion of the entire system.

A Clairvoyantly Authored & Illustrated Color Grimoire Of The 22 Demonic Pathways On The Tree Of Qliphoth With A Cosmology Map, Spirit Portraits, Advanced Sigils & More The results of these workings, together with the original rituals that were used in the project, are all included in the book. This is also what you will find in Tunnels of Set. The new project contained 22 parts, each one with 6 days of workings, exploring each path on the Qliphothic Tree through sigil work, meditations, invocations, astral travel, and dream magic. We wanted to verify the previous experience and provide conditions for manifestation of these forces in the life of each practitioner. As a basis for the project we used the imagery, sigils, and other observations reported by the participants of the previous workings. In 2019, the temple conducted a project that was a continuation and extension of the Tree of Qliphoth workings from the previous years. Like the two previous volumes, the ritual system provided in this book is based on the work of the Temple of Ascending Flame between 2015-2020, combined with my personal explorations of the Dark Tree. Introduction, p.7 Group-Verified Gnosis Experiences By Temple Of Ascending Flame Over Five Years Of Meticulous Peer Review The labyrinth of Tunnels that connect the Spheres on the Dark Tree are as important in the self-initiatory process as the Spheres themselves. This makes the presentation of my working system complete and this also concludes my writings on Qliphothic magic.

#Temple of ascending flame first hellgate sigils series
In this book, which is the third in the series and the last on the subject, I have included all that missing information. The labyrinths of tunnels and paths existing in between the particular realms on the Dark Tree are as important in the self-initiatory process as are the realms themselves. In Qliphothic Meditations and Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations I covered methods and techniques to work with the eleven Qliphothic realms and their demon rulers, but these two seem incomplete without including the pathways connecting the particular spheres. This book has been on my mind ever since I started writing about the Dark Tree and the magic of the Qliphoth. Here we will take a glimpse at what is included in the book and how it is connected with the previous two volumes. Together with my other two grimoires, Qliphothic Meditations and Qliphothic Invocations & Evocations, this series covers the entire Dark Tree and lays down a coherent and applicable system of approaching the Qliphoth from the perspective of modern magic.

I would like to present my new book Tunnels of Set, which is the third and the final volume in The Qliphothic Trilogy.